Saturday, August 20, 2011

Giveaway Ball Pectin Coupons

Found these in the bottom of my clutch paper clipped together.
I have more than enough pectin so the first person to both comment & send me an email with a snail mail address with receive 7 $1 off coupons on Ball Real Fruit Pectin Flex Batch.  

Coupons will go out in Monday's mail.

Perhaps you can find a clearance rack before they expire on the 31st of August.
I saw a posting on HT that K-mart was having a sale on canning supplies. If your a member of swagbucks there is also a $5 off of $50 coupon. There is also suppose to be one on Kmart's facebook page.
I know as the Summer wanes allot of stores will be having sales on canning supplies.

What can I say I can't stand to see good coupons go to waste.

~~ pelenaka ~~


  1. I agree not letting them go to waste. but i also have plenty. I seems someone would accept your genouristy.

  2. I'd like to have them. I'll try to find where to email you!

  3. I LOVE CANNING!!! And I have been looking for these coupons everywhere! I would definitely put them to great use!!! Now if I can just locate your email address on this site!


  4. Congratulations ladycat coupons are in the mail.


Thanks, good to know there are other's with this interest