Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Vinegar Run

Gf & I did a run to Save A Lot Store because we had a $5 off $25 purchase coupon.
We went there expressly for white vinegar since both us it for cleaning/laundry & cooking/canning. Unfortunately there was only 13 in house so we each got 6 gallons @ $2.19 each. Same as Wally World but anytime we can save $ & not support the whole Walmart disease then we do.
While there I also bout 11 one pound bags of dried pinto beans that were on sale for 79¢ each. Haven't seen those prices in three years or more.
I also bought a package of split chicken breasts meaty (3 breasts Purdue) for $3.
Couple Hersey's Dark Chocolate bars one for each of us because we deserved a treat.
After all was said & done as in 8.00% tax of 11¢ I ended up shelling out $21.32 after the $5 coupon.

So I either got 2 gallons of vinegar & almost a bag of beans for free or I got 6 bags of beans for free & 26 cents, or a package of chicken & two chocolate bars & change, or ...

Did we think that SAL was cheaper than Aldis, no but the choices are greater. Such as vinegar in gallon jugs.
My main goal was to score vinegar and if they had had enough on hand I would have bought $25 worth.
Plan B was to then see if there was any deals on meat, hence the package of chicken.
Plan C was to score any unadvertised deals that would yield the most. Pintos did the deal as I can both can them to provide a quick, healthy, & easy component to our diet or pack them up for long term storage.
Who knows what the price of dried beans will be in a year as now locally they run over a buck a pound.

If I'm able to score more $5 off coupons then I'll go back for more vinegar and what ever manufactures coupons I can get for items that they carry which isn't very broad. We did notice that they had Ball canning lids $2 sumting  but only wide mouth. Off brand of regular pectin was $1.

~~ pelenaka ~~


Congratulations Tonya.

Sorry I was late in getting this post out everyone.
I was @ a OGO party (Osama got Obama'd) celebrating our closure to a tragic event.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to have a good friend who happens to be the 2nd cousin of the neighbor who gave me those jars & Squeezo, pick the winner. 98 and still very active, she was in the middle of a resident council meeting. My fault I should have made an appointment. In her day that was how visiting was done. Unless she was out on her porch ...

How's everyone doing on collecting jars, rings & lids ? Did u sign up for the Food Preservation Online Class ?

~~ pelenaka ~~