Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rochester Stove Works - H. Bush

Sorry for not having a pic to go with this entry. I have the perfect one - a page from a 1847 City Directory from Rochester, New York, an advertisement for Henry Bush & Robert Harding's company Rochester Stove Works. Unfortunately it's in PDF & I'm pretty lame when it comes to jumping formats.
So here is the gist of the story behind that little parlor stove
I bought @ an auction -
Henry Bush of 228 Buffalo Street now West Main/Chili (chi-lie) Ave. shows up in the Daily American City Directory in 1844 as does his partner Robert Harding of 21 Kent Street. Occupations listed are stove makers.
Both vanish from the city directories around 1851.
Their company warehouse was on 34 Exchange with the foundry listed as Buffalo St. near the Genesee Valley Canal (Barge or Erie?).

Imagine that this parlor stove is in the neighborhood of 150 plus years old.
No cracks no holes.

Special thanks to Nell the librarian who put me on the right path.

~~ pelenaka ~~

07/18/2009 Co-Oppertative Foundry Rochester New York - unable to provide a pic but I ran across another small parlor stove stamped with Co-Oppertative Foundry. Simular design. May see if the Genesee Country Museum is interested in displaying my little stove since using it is a big no no.