Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cold Frame = Hot Love

Yeah, that's right when your a homesteader be it urban or rural it's gifts of cold frames and the like that tells you your man loves you. 
Loves you Hot.

This is the second cold frame Woodsrunner has built me. After 5+ years of marriage originating on yahoo singles (no he wasn't a online serial killer), he apparently loves me even more than when he built the first cold frame

Baby has Wood

Hubby's newest design makes the center height twice as high to accommodate marigolds (bug control) and  taller greens such as Swiss Chard. PVC pipe & wood was all scavenged from past projects around the urban homestead.

Early Spring Beige 

In place waiting on upholstery plastic to be stapled down. Red Onions made it through our mostly balmy Winter. So did the carrots which were some of the sweetest, most delicate tasting I have ever had.

Good haul ... if I was Tom Thumb. Neglected to use an object (like a quarter) for size reference but lets just say that rinsing them off greatly decreased the harvest.

Broccoli or rather 6 month old Broccoli starts but I did keep them alive through a warm Winter.
Surviving & flourishing are two vastly different concepts. Consider us starved if we had had to depend on the garden for total Winter nourishment.

It's been in the high 70s to record breaking 80 degrees as of late but I'm sure that there is one last howrah from Old Man Winter still yet to come. Maybe I'll still get to try out my new cold frame.

A hunk hunk burning love ...

~~ pelenaka ~~


  1. Upholstery plastic !!!! what a great idea..might have to make a trip to Joann Fabrics today

  2. Looks nice.I really need to try building something like that.So you and Woods met online,nice to hear a story like that that turned out well.

  3. I check in a couple times a week.Yours is the only blog I follow with regularity.I've been a reader of your blog for several years,ever since your blog was highlighted on the Modern Homesteader.

    1. That brings back memories, lol yeah it's been a few years since I started this blog. Feeling my age as of late.


Thanks, good to know there are other's with this interest