This is what is termed a WFG a.k.a. Windfall from God.
The day before DH had attended a Steam Show in Alexander, New York where along with hit & miss engines on display there is a varied range of steam driven machines from tractors to a contraption the size of my house for running a shop. There was also a nice sized flea market with some very good deals to be had.
One of which was Cheese. Artisan cheese locally made. Cheese with titles such as Garlic Cheddar (40 lbs. blocks) , Horseradish & Bacon Cheddar (10 lbs.wheels) , Jalapeno & Cheyenne Cheddar (10 lbs. bricks) , Cheddar with Horseradish (10 lbs. brick) , and Jalapeno Cheddar (10 lbs. brick).
At first I was in quite a dilemma only having about $43 in cash. Then the cheese maker (k, people running the tent but how many times can I write that the cheese maker said?), that they take checks. Simultaneously both DH & I looked up @ each other with that strange smile we both get ... the WFG smile. All he said then was I'll go see if I can drive the car up here.
Long story short I bought over 100 lbs. of cheese for about a buck a pound.
Not long after we got home & I called my prime BB a.k.a. barter buddy to come snag some cheese & bring ice since storage hadn't quite been worked out a coworker called with an offer of almost a bushel of organic Bartlet Pears from her mother's tree. Brought about 6 Organic Macintosh (gift from DH's friend) along with a small chuck steak from our 1/3 of a cow meat deal for my end of the barter deal.
As soon as I repackage the cheese into smaller weights I'll mention I have cheese ... or carrots, potatoes, or hopefully more & different varieties of apples in case her peeps have extra pears.
Thank you to our Lord for blessing us with this opportunity.
Thank you to my Husband who dragged me out to a muddy farm to meet some wonderful people, see some wonderful antiques, and accept God's blessings.
~~ pelenaka ~~
P.S. As the cheese was being loaded into the car my 12 y.o. made the statement that she didn't want cheese for Christmas. I on the other hand would love crackers.
P.S.S. Sept. 9th - Bartered a 5 gallon bucket of mix variety tomatoes, good sized bunch of Parsley, and almost a bushel of Green beans for 5 lbs. of Garlic Cheddar from my Egg Lady.