behind more than a few piles of books and boxes was an old cider press. The press screw frozen in place, wooden portions badly rotted but for the most part complete.
If the price was right might @ the very least might make a cute garden ornament. Besides I have faith in my can do man.
So long story short I piled it into my purse sized car last fall.
After about a week of daily fiddling with it the screw began turning. He's good, very very good.
Now almost a year later it's no garden decoration !
The frame is laminated fir, painted with krylon oil based enamel. Strong yet less weight than the original design. The metal portions scrubbed, sanded, and painted with H2O also by krylon.
Basket & both trays are oak, hand rubbed with food grade oil. The bands on the basket are aluminum with stainless steel fasteners. Unable to reuse the original bands too far gone.
The pressing plate is made from food grade cutting board.
Basket holds 1/2 bushel of chopped fruit. Simply line the basket with a loose weave cotton cloth boiled for 10 minutes then place coarsely chopped apples in. Sit a pitcher underneath the tray for a just reward of fresh apple cider.
1st $300 takes it in time for apple picking season here in Western New York.