Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A is for Apples

The first of many updates here on Thirtyfivebyninety Urban Homestead. 
I'll start alphabetically ... with the Apples trees my daughters and I planted in 2008

We were/are trying for the Espalier method which since I'm not French has grossly alluded me as you can see. We had planned to pune way back this year but it was a great season for Apples in New York State including city orchards, we just couldn't bring ourselves to saw.  
So we didn't. 
The small window dead center is the kitchen.
I got a big kick out of  first seeing Apple Blossoms then Apples growing outside my kitchen window. Reminded me of the character Ma Joad in the Grapes of Wrath, when she talked about oranges outside her window. 

Summer 2013 
Notice how shady the Apple trees and house are. I was very surprised we got a harvest @ all.

Winter 2008
Proof that you don't need feet of space to have an Apple Orchard - this bed is just a bit over 12" wide and almost 15' long.

An Apple for Snow White

Golden Russets

Golden Russets 
The 4 in 1 Apple tree produced half a bushel of Golden Russets. Disappointing no shows for the other 3 varieties but  never the less good with cheese.
Preservation method of choice - storing in the cellar for fresh eating this Winter.

~~ pelenaka ~~