Modern urban homesteading in Western New York utilizing an organic intensive raised bed gardening technique, vertical & gorilla gardening, foraging, gleaning, and bartering as alternatives to traditional/modern rual homesteading methods on less than 1/14 of an acre.
Learning nonelectric homesteading skills as a family.
One too many vintage issues of MEN magazine crossed with MacGyver type mentality done on the cheap.
One of the many oddities that attracted me to my husband was his huge collection of MEN Mags. That said this particular issue dating from June/July 1982 is one of my favs. This project has been on my personal to do list since I first started outdoor canning. The other day I pulled back the tarp from my antique coal cook stove only to realize that without some major repair work it wasn't going to hold a fire. The firebox or bowl as seen better days. There is also the fact that it is almost impossible to camoflage the stove form visitors (upcomming roof replacement followed by upcomming code inspection). LSS time to build a version of Mother Earth News cool outdoor mud stove. Hmm, if a two pot stove is da bomb baby, wouldn't a three pot stove be da kind !
K, if anyone runs across a link or pics from someone who has built a stove like this or if you have please grant me with your hard earned knowledge or opinions before I pour cement. I want to incorporate parts from my old canning stove such as the door which houses the flue. I also would want the stack to be removeable.
File this under alternative shopping venues - bulk buying @ your local restaurant supply store. If it's good enough for my favorite eatery & their bottom line then it's good enough for me. Besides the main advantage of purchasing food for pennies per once, (50 lbs. of movie house grade popcorn for 49 cents per pound), the shopping experience borders on old fashioned. Almost brings you back to the local corner store with simple metal shelving, perhaps an old am radio playing, and a simple cash register. No multiple receipts with frivolous coupons on the flip side. Just the facts. Besides the bushel sized sack of pop corn I buy vegetable oil, 5 lbs. bags of yeast, and high gluten/bread flour a.k.a. Occident flour. This is also a great place to buy spices. If the quantity is an issue organize a co-op or use for gift giving. Did I mention the lack of membership fees ? No old lady bouncers @ the door. No flat screen t.v. or radial tires. Just commercial quality stoves and really huge blocks of mozzarella. Ask about discounts on bulk order. My Resturant Supply Store offers 10% on any order that is more than 3 cases pick up only.
The flour pictured above was a 3 way split put together by my prima bbgf. 50 lbs. = $17.99 divided 3 ways so $6/16 lbs. or 37 cents per pound.
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I recommend & review products personally (that I have bought on Amazon) or currently use in our daily life here on our urban homestead. If I'm recommending a product it is because Amazon has the best price. I strive to purchase only American made products.